Simple Ways To Cleanse Negative Energy From The Home
We all know how essential it is to keep our space clean. Routinely washing, wiping, and decluttering have become a part of our routines. While cleaning our physical space is important, cleansing our environment spiritually and energetically is just as important.
When Should I Cleanse & Clear My Home's Energy?
It's essential to clear and clean your home's energy when:
You're having a bad day. Negative energy in your home could be feeding those feelings.
You're just getting over an illness. In addition to the stress of feeling sick, the physical condition carries negative energy into the air around you.
You just broke up with someone or suffered a loss. Smudging and clearing during/after heartache and grief will help you to process the pain and push forward.
You argued with your partner or family member. You said some things. They said some things. Now that the disagreement is over, it's time to clear the air—literally.
You are in the midst of a major life transition (new job, partnership, or new baby): Clearing out the old creates space for the new energy these things bring.
You're feeling stuck: If you want to transform your reality and haven't made any progress, it might be time to ask yourself whether your space is keeping you stuck in the past.
Now that we know WHEN to clean our home from negative energy, let's get to the HOW:

Set a new intention for your home.
Before you do anything else, set a specific intention for your home. What do you want to release from your space? How do you want to feel when you come into this space? Your mind is a powerful thing.
For example, you could say aloud: "I remove and cleanse negative energy from my home so that I am focused, energized, and productive". Speak your intention out loud to set the shifts in motion.
Burn dried herbs.
People all over the world from various cultures have burned certain herbs to clear energy.
Simply select your dried herb of choice in a fire-safe container and light until you see a flame. Blow it out. If you are sensitive to smoke, clear and clean your space using plants instead.
Place crystals around your home to harness their power.
Crystals and gemstones are gifts from nature and the divine. They hold different vibrations and metaphysical properties that are helpful to humans and our healing journey. Two of my favorite stones to place around the house to clear negative energy are black tourmaline and hematite.
Clear and transform your space with sound.
The sound of drums, gongs, sound bowls and even clapping hands can help break up negative energy. For an at-home sound ritual, start at your front door and move clockwise through the inner perimeter of your home, playing an instrument (or clapping) toward the walls, until you've made a full loop.
Burn incense.
Believed to be an energy cleanser, light one end of your favorite incense stick and spread the smoke as you would with your dried herbs.
Cleanse your house with salt.
Salt has long been used for sterilizing everything. Here are a few ideas on how you can use it throughout your home:
Dissolve sea salt in a spray bottle filled with water and mist the air of every room.
Place a thin line of sea salt in front of your home's entrance or around the perimeter of your property.
Include a small dish of salt on your altar (not with your ancestor altar)
Dissolve salt in water used to clean surfaces and floors.
Use Himalayan salt lamps.

Give the whole place a fresh, lemony scent.
One of my favorite scents is the smell of citrus. It's no mistake that some of your favorite household cleaners are lemon-scented. The smell of lemon is stimulating and uplifting. Here's how I use it:
Boil lemon peels with orange in water and let the steam fill your home.
Leave small dishes of fresh lemon slices around your home.
Use visualizations.
Imagine a beaming light inside your heart chakra and solar plexus. As you take a deep breath, expand the light until it's outside of your body. Now expand the light into your space.
Clear out your clutter!
Physical dirt and clutter can make a space feel unfavorable. Keeping a clean, tidy home means negative energy won't have a place to congregate. Open your windows! Let fresh air in and let negative energy out.
Making your space energetically clean should be a regular part of your routine and using any one of these practices will help you feel lighter and brighter.
Great tips!